Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bay of Blood

This movie was quite impressive. The story is actually very complex for a movie that most people deemed as a Slasher movie. It doesn't have the normal feel of a slasher movie. It is more like a suspense thriller, now granted the deaths are very graphically portrayed in the film which is probably why this has earned the slasher label. The direction is very well done and the editing is very good too. The director keeps the movie moving and there are very few slow spots in the film. The director also does an excellent job of keeping you guessing until the third act who is the killer. There is also a mixture of techniques used in this film. In one section, instead of hard cuts the director went between scenes by going out of focus and then in focus. Giving a more fluid feel to the transitions than your normal hard cut or wipe. Also there is excellent use of POV to help build suspense and mystery in this "slasher" movie. The body count also does not dissapoint and the twists in the plot make you have to pay attention to what actually is going on or you risk getting lost. Lets just say that the neighbor hood around the Bay of Blood is very fatal to the residents there. I LOVED the ending of this picture. It was an out of nowhere ended that was not seen coming by a long shot, pardon the pun. Lets just say the ending was not a Hollywood one. Now on to the run down, as always in honor of that fantastic critic Joe Bob Briggs:
1 Hanging
1 death by Knife stabbing,
1 completely naked female swimmer
1 Slash to the throat death
1 two for one death of a love making couple by spear
1 Machete to the Face. 1 Strangulation with a phone cord
1 Beheading 1 barehanded strangulation
1 death by spearing against the wall
1 death by scissors

Highly recommended. Not only because its an excellent movie but also to see where many of todays slasher movies got their influence. And an awesome ending.

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