Saturday, August 1, 2009

What The Frak Review: Zombies Gone Wild

Zombies Gone Wild

Click the link for cast information and such. Lets get to the Brass Tacks.

This movie by far was one of worst Zombie Movies I have scene in a long time. I went into the movie with low expectations and found out I needed to lower them further. Why you may ask. Well the movie discription deems this movie as a Zombie Parody of the Girls Gone Wild series but its not...not even close. Fantasia has more flesh showing in it then this Film.
With Zombie in the title you would expect to see lots of zombies...which you do, 1 hour and 4 mins approximately into the movie.
The audio in the movie is poor, even for a low budget film of this nature. I appreciate people who make movies with little to no budget. It takes a lot of effort to do even the simplest project. To do it well takes alot more effort than was put into this film. Now while most of the movie was a nothing but Poop, Pee , and puke jokes, the last 20 mins does actually pick up. That of course the part of the movie that actually has zombies in it. The camera work was well done, Zombie F/X were really good and they had actual stunts which were well done, this was a pleasent surprise. If it wasn't for the first hour and 4 min of this movie it would actually have higher praise from me, unfortunately that part is there.
On the DVD they have a behind the scenes footage where you see they actually had a whole production crew, pro Lighting, Boom, basically a semi pro setup for the film. It still looks like it was shot from a single handy cam, again until the zombie part of the the film.

If your looking for a zany, zombie filled comedy then you can avoid this film but If you don't mind sitting through the first hour of the film ...the last third of the film makes up for it....well almost.

Final Verdict
1 ticket stub ( aka worth a dollar rental as long as alcohol is involved when watching it)

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