Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Review: Red Mist

Red Mist A.k.a Freakdog is a story that has been told before. It stars the brunette from The Grudge 2 and John Tucker must die, the hot blond from Final Destination 2 and the TV show Shark, and a Guy who is a Noah Wyle look a like help round off this cast of c-list actors. They are pre-meds who end up putting a guy in a coma. He ends up getting the ability to possess other people who he uses to exact his revenge.

Acting is a bit too cliché and add that with a story based on a theme that has been told many times before and what you get is Freakdog a.k.a. Red Mist. Now its another one of those movies that just trys to hard. Perhaps with some tweaking and some better actors this movie could have been more I don't know better. The gore was ok for a movie of this type. They tried to get creative with the death scenes but they fall short there as well. Its funny because these actors have been in better projects, at least the girls have. There is one make ya jump scene but other than that there are now really like scarey parts.
The Tally

1 breast shot
1 death by car door clubbing
1 death by Toliet bowl cleaner acid
1 death by a means I have no idea happened
1 death by a stab to the throat.
1 death by hammer.
1 death by defibulator to the head.

Not really a movie I would recommend. For the Gore whores out there you will be dissappointed, it will not fullfill the craving of the fear addict, and in general you get yourself an ok horror film that could have been more.

1 1/2 stubs

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Columbus Day

Ah Columbus Day . Not exactly a day you would title a movie with, well at least not an "Action Movie with Heart" as the synopsis calls it. While there are a number of action scenes the movie isn't really a full on action film. But then again it is not a full feel good movie either. The feeling I got from this movie was that it could not make up its mind what it wanted to be. You never really grow to like Val Kilmer's character, John Cologne, to care enough about him. They open the movie showing him to be a bit of a badass criminal and then they want you to feel bad for him that he still carries a torch for his ex and his daughter wants nothing to do with him. This is explored in a series of flashbacks and phone calls that Val's character makes while waiting in a park. Literally that is what he is doing for most of the movie, walking in a park. In between phone calls, he is exchanging dialog with a young boy who appears to almost live in the park. Now the only real reason this movie is called Columbus day of course is because its on the day of the same name. I guess Hollywood ran out of major holidays. Course there is also dialog about columbus between John and his Drug dealer buddy Max,played by Wilmer Valderrama, you know Fez on that 70's show. Looks like he is trying to break away from that role and he does a good job of it as you hardly recognize its him in the film.

The way this movie is edited is what I think helps in me not liking the movie as much as I could have. By doing it all in flashbacks is a popular way for you to find thing out about the characters, for this film it doesn't work. While the dialog with the kid is very touching and well directed, the interlacing of these scenes with the action ones was very awkward. I think if the movie had been in the hands of a different director this movie could have actually seen the light of the big screen. Its just a movie that doesn't quite make it. Had they gone almost completely with Val and the kid talking and the phone calls in between I think it would have helped. We didn't exactly need to see the flashbacks. In the end the movie didn't seem to know what to focus on and it ended up not focusing on anything.

I give it 2 stubs.

PS I want to know what cell phone battery John Cologne is using because it lasts for hours.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What The Frak Review: Zombies Gone Wild

Zombies Gone Wild

Click the link for cast information and such. Lets get to the Brass Tacks.

This movie by far was one of worst Zombie Movies I have scene in a long time. I went into the movie with low expectations and found out I needed to lower them further. Why you may ask. Well the movie discription deems this movie as a Zombie Parody of the Girls Gone Wild series but its not...not even close. Fantasia has more flesh showing in it then this Film.
With Zombie in the title you would expect to see lots of zombies...which you do, 1 hour and 4 mins approximately into the movie.
The audio in the movie is poor, even for a low budget film of this nature. I appreciate people who make movies with little to no budget. It takes a lot of effort to do even the simplest project. To do it well takes alot more effort than was put into this film. Now while most of the movie was a nothing but Poop, Pee , and puke jokes, the last 20 mins does actually pick up. That of course the part of the movie that actually has zombies in it. The camera work was well done, Zombie F/X were really good and they had actual stunts which were well done, this was a pleasent surprise. If it wasn't for the first hour and 4 min of this movie it would actually have higher praise from me, unfortunately that part is there.
On the DVD they have a behind the scenes footage where you see they actually had a whole production crew, pro Lighting, Boom, basically a semi pro setup for the film. It still looks like it was shot from a single handy cam, again until the zombie part of the the film.

If your looking for a zany, zombie filled comedy then you can avoid this film but If you don't mind sitting through the first hour of the film ...the last third of the film makes up for it....well almost.

Final Verdict
1 ticket stub ( aka worth a dollar rental as long as alcohol is involved when watching it)